Category: Services

CDL Investments, Annual Meeting 2022

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Wellington Drive Technologies, Annual Meeting 2022

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SMW Group, Special Meeting 2022

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Property for Industry, Annual Meeting 2022

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Submission: Climate-related Disclosures – Strategy and Metrics and Targets

Date Submitted:  May 2nd 2022 To:  External Reporting Board (XRB) Tap/Click here to download submission NZSA submission to XRB on Parts 2-5 (Strategy, Metrics and Targets) of the NZ Climate Standard 1 (Climate-related DIsclosures) The NZ Shareholders’ Association would like to thank the External Reporting Board for the opportunity to comment on their initial draft…
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Vista International Limited, Annual Meeting 2022

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Briscoe Group Limited, Annual Meeting 2022

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Silver Fern Farms Co-operative, Annual Meeting 2022

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Channel Infrastructure Limited, Annual Meeting 2022

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Radius Residential Care Limited, Special Meeting 2022

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