Scrip Articles

The Bouquets – June 2022

The Bouquets As a general comment – we would LOVE more of these! If you think a company or organisation is doing something that helps shareholders, let me know at When it comes to raising capital, we hear plenty about ‘deadline pressure’ when a company pursues acquisition and implements a capital raise scheme that…
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The Brickbats – June 2022

The Brickbats If you want to highlight something about corporate behaviour in New Zealand, please let me know! A simple email to will do the trick. Fletcher Building (FBU) is in the wars again, this time over the supply of Gib-brand plasterboard. FBU manufactures approximately 94% of the plasterboard used in New Zealand and…
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Meetings, prioritisation and love

These are not three words that always go hand-in-hand. As investors, we all know the deal. We like to keep our finger on the pulse; a “foot in the door”, so to speak, in managing our own investments. Even for those of us who for practical reasons have outsourced most of our investments to friendly…
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NZME – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

NZME Limited Annual Meeting Report, April 11th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting Intentions As befits a multimedia company, NZME’s meeting was measured, and well broadcast on the Link meeting platform. Chair, Barbara Chapman, covered the 2021 results buoyed by a 13% recovery in advertising revenue and the sale of Grab One with…
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NZX – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

NZX Limited Annual Meeting Report, April 6th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting Intentions The Chair, James Miller, opened the meeting with a video showing the new Auckland Office and introducing the Board and senior executives. He outlined the changes over the past four years with the creation of Smartshares and Wealth Technologies…
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Disclaimer & Other Information

The Scrip is the magazine of the New Zealand Shareholders Association Inc. There are six issues published each year, around February/March, April/May, June/July, August/September, October/November and December/January each year, with upcoming content able to be viewed online prior to publication. NZSA Contact Information Physical Address: Office 2, Level 5, 48-52 Wyndham St, Auckland 1010Phone: 0800…
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Promisia Healthcare – 2022 Special Meeting Report

Promisia Healthcare Special Meeting Report, March 30th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions The Chair, Stephen Underwood, opened the meeting by explaining it had been called to approve the purchase of Aldwins House in Christchurch. The company leased Aldwins House in October 2020 with an option to purchase for $11m, but due…
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Z Energy – 2022 Special Meeting Report

Z Energy Special Meeting Report, March 25th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions The only time retail shareholders get courted ahead of a shareholder meeting is when there is a requirement to pass a resolution by a super majority of votes cast and/or shares on issue. This was one of those occasions.…
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Me Today – 2022 Special Meeting Report

Me Today Special Meeting Report, March 18th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions A very good summary of the reasons for this meeting were published by NZSA in its Proxy Voting Intention, and by the company, in its notice of meeting. It was disappointing to shareholders that a capital injection was required…
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Gentrack – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

Gentrack Limited Annual Meeting Report, February 24th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting Intentions All I got from this 30 minute interlude was that the board/management seems determined to reinforce their reputation for taciturnity and an unnamed, but not hard to guess, institutional shareholder wants to get rid of director, Fiona Oliver. Despite…
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