Scrip Articles

CDL Investments New Zealand Limited – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

CDL Investments New Zealand Limited Annual Meeting Report, May 24th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions CDL Investment Limited (NZX:CDI) held its relatively brief ASM on Tuesday 24 May 2022 in Auckland and on-line. CDI develops and sells residential sections and commercial developments across the country. It has a large shareholder, Millennium…
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Briscoe Group Limited – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

Briscoe Group Limited Annual Meeting Report, May 19th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions Unlike most companies where only the Chair and CEO present, when it comes to Briscoe’s, we also hear from the senior managers. This provided a good oversight of how the company works and the strategic priorities in each…
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Property For Industry Limited – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

Property For Industry Limited Annual Meeting Report, May 13th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions In times past, Friday the 13th would have been seen as an inauspicious date for holding an annual meeting. But, on this occasion, the only downside I noticed was the paucity of shareholders attending either in person…
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SMW Group Limited – 2022 Special Meeting Report

SMW Group Limited Special Meeting Report, May 13th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions Jill Hatchwell, the Chair, completed an introduction to the meeting with a presentation which can be found here. At the conclusion of the presentation there was one very relevant question which minority shareholders will have found pertinent: “How…
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Channel Infrastructure Limited – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

Channel Infrastructure Limited Annual Meeting Report, May 10th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions The downside of a virtual-only meeting with board and officers geographically spread was illustrated as we waited 11 minutes while chairman, Mike Allen’s, audio link was fixed. The delay gave everyone time to read the addresses of Mr…
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Ventia Services Group – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

Ventia Services Group Annual Meeting Report, May 5th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions Ventia has only a secondary listing on the NZX, since its IPO in November 2021, but has expressed interest in expanding its register in NZ and has a significant presence in 30 major projects throughout the country. NZSA…
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Radius Residential Care Limited – 2022 Special Meeting Report

Radius Residential Care Limited Special Meeting Report, May 5th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions The purpose of the meeting was to approve the purchase of four care facilities currently leased by the company, the lease with a right to purchase of a fifth facility and the funding arrangements. The four pillars…
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Summerset Group Holdings – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

Summerset Group Holdings Annual Meeting Report, April 27th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions I am tempted to say, just read my report on last year’s meeting and go “ditto.” But then, why change a model that seems to be working well? could be Summerset’s motto – just fine-tune as required. The…
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Seeka Limited – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

Seeka Limited Annual Meeting Report, April 22nd 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions The meeting was opened by Chairman Fred Hutchins with the usual welcome and introductions, followed by an opening address reviewing the results of the year. Despite the level of outside challenges, the Company performed to a high level and…
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Syft Technologies Limited – 2022 Special Meeting Report

Syft Technologies Limited Special Meeting Report, April 13th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions Syft Technologies Ltd (USX:SYF) is listed on the Unlisted Securities Exchange (USX). Syft is a leading provider of Selected Ion Flow Tube Mass Spectrometry (SIFT-MS), with its trace gas analysis machines. Syft grew out of research at the…
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