Scrip Articles

Z Energy – 2022 Special Meeting Report

Z Energy Special Meeting Report, March 25th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions The only time retail shareholders get courted ahead of a shareholder meeting is when there is a requirement to pass a resolution by a super majority of votes cast and/or shares on issue. This was one of those occasions.…
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Me Today – 2022 Special Meeting Report

Me Today Special Meeting Report, March 18th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting intentions A very good summary of the reasons for this meeting were published by NZSA in its Proxy Voting Intention, and by the company, in its notice of meeting. It was disappointing to shareholders that a capital injection was required…
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Gentrack – 2022 Annual Meeting Report

Gentrack Limited Annual Meeting Report, February 24th 2022 Click here for NZSA Assessment and Voting Intentions All I got from this 30 minute interlude was that the board/management seems determined to reinforce their reputation for taciturnity and an unnamed, but not hard to guess, institutional shareholder wants to get rid of director, Fiona Oliver. Despite…
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Event Report – Waikato Branch

Presentation by Mark Lister, Craigs Investment Partners Waikato Branch Event, February 8th On 8 February, our guest speaker was Mark Lister, the Head of Private Wealth Research, Craigs Investment Partners. The overall heading was Headwinds in the Economic, Market, and Investment sectors. Growth will be modest this year as 2021 was a rebound year. Corporate…
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Scrip Article

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The Brickbats – Apr 2022

The Brickbats We couldn’t help but notice the Air New Zealand Capital raise announced in late March, by way of a pro-rate renounceable rights offer. We’re not sure that the Brickbat is for Air New Zealand, however…moreso the plethora of financial institutions, investors, financial commentators and even the NZX who tied themselves in knots in…
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Bouquets – Apr 2022

The Bouquets A bouquet (and congratulations!) to the winners of our Beacon Award – Fiona Oliver, Anne Urlwin, Phillip Strachan and Geoff Swiers – for their decision-making and commitment in securing a better deal for shareholders of Tilt Renewables. Their actions show the value of independence to shareholders. A bouquet to Z Energy for their…
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