Beacon Awards Winners

Each year, the New Zealand Shareholders Association gives an award for outstanding performance to a member of the NZ business community.

Criteria include:

• leadership and guidance on corporate practice
• bravery in standing out from the crowd
 taking a stand on issues of governance, transparency, and individual conduct (possibly against the trend)
• exemplary conduct that is a guide to others; ignoring self-interest and putting the concerns of others to the fore
• respecting the rights of others: treating the smallest shareholder with the respect of a business owner
• applying best practice• ensuring fair and equitable outcomes

2023 Beacon Award Winner
Abby Foote

2022 Beacon Award Winner
Mark Verbiest

2021 Beacon Award Winner
Tilt Renewables Independent Directors

2020 Beacon Award Winner
Brian Gaynor

2019 Beacon Award Winner
Sir Stephen Tindall

2018 Beacon Award Winner
Mr Don Braid

2017 Beacon Award Winner
Mr Rob Campbell

2016 Beacon Award Winner
Mr Michael Daniell

2015 Beacon Award Winner Tony Carter

2014 Beacon Award Winner
Joan Withers

2013 Beacon Award Winner
Sean Hughes

2012 Beacon Award Winner
John Parker

2011 Beacon Award Winner
Simon Challies

2011 Special Merit Award
Hon Simon Power

2010 Beacon Award Winner
Rob Fyfe

Past Winners

2009 – Michael Hill (Michael Hill International)
2008 – Bruce Plested (Mainfreight)
2007 – Tony Gibbs (Guinness Peat Group)
2006 – Brian Gaynor (Milford Asset Management)
2005 – Simon Botherway (Brook Asset Management)
2004 – Ralph Waters (Fletcher Building)
2003 – Kevin O’Connor (Infratil)
2002 – Rod Deane (Telecom)